Spiritual Master, Writer, Poet,
C.E.O & Co-Founder of M.F.I

Spiritual Master, Writer, Poet,
C.E.O & Co-Founder of M.F.I
Born on June 16, 1968 in Karachi, Pakistan, Younus AlGohar grew up practicing Islamic Sufism. From a young age, he felt as if there was a void in his life.
After many years of searching for inner peace and failing to obtain it, His Holiness eventually became disillusioned. That was, of course, until he met His Divine Eminence Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi at the age of fifteen.
When I first looked at the comely face of Gohar Shahi, I felt instantly that I knew Gohar Shahi all along; long before we had even come to this world.  Younus AlGohar â€â€
Younus AlGohar quickly became a close disciple of His Divine Eminence Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi and began his rapid progression on the spiritual path. Under the guidance of His Divine Eminence, Younus AlGohar adopted extensive austerity and spiritual discipline. During this time, he dealt with difficult trials such as severe stress, prolonged fasting and physical hardship. Due to his dedication and guidance from His Divine Eminence, he was able to achieve complete purification of the Nafs (Self) and enlightenment of the heart and soul.
In addition to enlightening Younus AlGohar, His Divine Eminence Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi invested in him an extraordinary amount of spiritual authority and knowledge. Soon after, His Divine Eminence appointed Mr AlGohar as His sole Representative and designated him to take His Divine Eminence's mystical doctrine to all corners of the world.
“I will meet only Younus now, and Younus shall meet the world on behalf of me.â€Â
Younus AlGohar began to preach spirituality to serve all religious and non-religious communities without any cultural or national boundaries, as per the teachings of His Divine Eminence.
Under instruction from His Divine Eminence Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi, Younus AlGohar formed the spiritualist organisations Mehdi Foundation International, Messiah Foundation International and Kalki Avatar Foundation to propagate His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi’s universally acceptable spiritual doctrine, to herald the Second Coming of Lord Jesus Christ, and to raise awareness of the coming of the Awaited Universal Saviour, also known as the Awaited Messiah/Imam Mehdi/Kalki Avatar.
The collective goal of these organisations is to implant the seed of love in the hearts of humanity and bring about a widespread spiritual revolution. With His Divine Eminence's miraculous teachings, Younus AlGohar aims to liberate the entire humanity from the various theosophical and cultural shackles that bounds them today. He strives to spiritualise their lives so that hatred can be eradicated as the divine attributes begin to manifest in their characters. The ultimate objective of Messiah Foundation International, Mehdi Foundation International and Kalki Avatar Foundation is to unite all humanity regardless of race, religion, or culture with divine love and foster permanent inner and outer peace.
Today, with this spiritual vision, authority, and power, Younus AlGohar continues to promote the Goharian Philosophy of Divine Love and Global Peace across the globe.
I don't know the nature of the divine intellect. God wanted to be known and nobody has a clue! God, you don't leave your trace. When you created everything for just one purpose - that you wanted to be known - then why did you create a majority of human beings for hellfire? I don't really get it...
read moreThe following is a transcript of His Holiness Younus AlGohar's speech at the MFI Headquartres in London. Today, people are just dying for one reason or another. I was thinking, 'Why is this happening?' and I heard a spiritual voice and the voice sai...
read moreThe following is a transcript of His Holiness Younus AlGohar's speech. Until 10 years ago, people were following a wrong interpretation of the Quran. Now, since the emergence of this new clown, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, nothing [they are doing] is coming...
read moreGuidance comes from the root word, 'guide' and to guide means to instruct somebody, and that somebody follows your instructions under your auspicious supervision and arrives at the destination. For example, you insert into the satellite navigation your address and then it calculates the route...
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Younus AlGohar has miraculously healed thousands physically and spiritually, free of charge, on him promotional tours all over the world.
Younus AlGohar has written many books and articles on spirituality.